I boost the discoverability of your app by optimising your site & content.

Yes, it’s lead nurturing search engine optimisation. Here’s my approach.

Imagine your website is a sign advertising your business. If you hire a full service agency to create it, the team might consist of a copywriter, graphic designer and booking agent.

They’ll make decisions about wording, font, images and layout, while noting outdoor ad laws, the surrounding environment and your competitors.

A sign with maximum appeal to your target audience will dramatically increase your ROI.

In essence, SEO maximises the appeal of your sign.

App users on their phones

It’s easy to indiscriminately increase the traffic to your site but bot hits never translated into sales. Instead, I’m committed to:

  1. attracting sales leads by continuously iterating my approach
  2. understanding how your app is unique and who your client is

  3. educating you on what SEO tactics generate the best ROI for your business.

Read more about my services.